Ironhack Data Analytics Bootcamp projects

These were the projects I’ve done in the Ironhack Data Analytics bootcamp:

Photo data science

Dice Scores Recognition in image/video

Deep learning application to recognize dice roll scores in image or live video using convolutional neural networks. This was the final project of the IronHack Data Analytics bootcamp and was selected to participate in the HackShow.

Kaggle competition - Predicting diamonds prices

This was a Kaggle competition was created by the Ironhack instructors. The objective was to train a supervised machine learning model that predicts the price of diamonds based on features as its weight, dimensions, quality of the cut, color, clarity, etc… I tested different Machine Learning algorithms to choose the best approach to complete this project.

API chat project and text sentiment analysis

In this project we want to communicate an API with a chat service for team members of a company. With this project we want to create users, chat rooms, add text messages, etc. In addition, we want to analyze the sentiment of the chat messages in order to make sure that the workers of the company are happy. I used FLASK (an API creation tool for python) and NLTK (a python library to conduct Natural Language Processing). In addition I used MySQL to handle the chat database.

GeoSpatial Data Project / Choosing the best location for a gaming company

In this project I planed the location of a company in the gaming industry based on a series of conditions. The goal was to prioritize among the conditions to choose the best location according to them. As it is impossible to cover all of them, I had to cover as many requirements as possible for this project.

500 best albums of all time / Spotify API project

This was an exercise where I used the top 500 albums of all time according to the Rolling Stones Magazine. I decided to analyze several musical features and checked whether in this list there is a relation between the features and the position of the album in the top 500. This information is gathered using the Spotify API. In addition, I analyzed whether the top albums show different Wikipedia read metric according to its position to investigate if the knowledge interest based on the Wikipedia page view is correlated with the list position.

A word frequency based analysis of sharks attacks

We worked with a Global Shark Attack dataset. The objective was to clean this dataset and then analyze and visualize the shark incident information. In my work I tried to understand the nature of the different types of shark attack incidents using a bag-of-words analysis.

Hangman game, programmed in Python (moddable)

A mini-game-project for the Ironhack data analysis bootcamp. In the game you must select a difficulty level (different lives) and a topic category in order to guess the word/names/etc. related to this category. The program asks the user to type the category from the ones that are available. You can easily mod this game adding a additional categories to use your favourite themes or removing others.